2015年6月4日 星期四
s 蔡英文於CSIS演說:台灣迎向挑戰—打造亞洲新價值的典範
s 童振源:維持現狀就是中華民國憲政體制
s 劉世忠:撕開「親A和B友C反D」的標籤
s 顏建發:國民黨助北京逼蔡英文接受九二共識,如宋襄公之仁
s 孫慶餘:蔡英文的「現狀」不是靜態現狀
s 台灣選總統要中國考試?強國官員水準令人咋舌
s 大使的一席話,讓13億人都驚呆了!
s 國民黨垂死掙扎還想拖人民下水
s 中國禁採訪船難 只准用央視、新華社通稿
s 六四前 微信禁發89或64金額紅包
s For NGOs in China, a Sense of Party Creep
s 香港六四集會 遍地開花
s 美國資深參議員麥凱恩論援助越南
s 菲律賓總統阿基諾在日本參議院發表講演
s 中俄擬明年南海聯合軍演
s 美國和印度達成防務專案合作協定
s 華春瑩批提問「正視六四」記者欠邏輯
s 英媒:習近平正在開展世界上最大的政治試驗
s 伊斯蘭國勢力進入中亞 美中俄高度警戒
s 蔡英文:民主與自由才能讓青年實現理想
s 六四事件 馬總統籲大陸正視平反
s 觀點:圖騰化的「歷史的傷口」
s 美商會:台灣加入TPP事不宜遲
s Taiwan Can't Save the South China Sea
民主進步黨主席暨總統參選人蔡英文在今(3)日美國時間下午在華府美國智庫戰略暨國際研究中心(CSIS)以「台灣迎向挑戰—打造亞洲新價值的典範(Taiwan Meeting the Challenges Crafting a Model of New Asian Value)」為題發表演說,全文如下:
Thank you Bonnie for your introduction and to CSIS for welcoming me into your magnificent new building.
Mr. Burghardt Mr. Campbell distinguished guests ladies and gentlemen and members of the media
It is wonderful to be in Washington DC again. It is my great honor and pleasure to meet all of you today. I am truly grateful to the fellows and staff at CSIS for making this event possible.
Meeting new challenges
On April 15 this year the Democratic Progressive Party nominated me as its presidential candidate for the 2016 elections. I am greatly honored to be associated with the political party that fought hard against authoritarianism and turned Taiwan into a democracy that today cherishes freedom and human rights. The DPP is proud to have played an imperative role in bringing about such monumental changes in Taiwan.
As a presidential candidate I have to be ready to deal with rising domestic and external challenges ranging from the gradual erosion of freedom and democracy to an increasing uncertainty over Taiwan’s ability to maintain its economic autonomy.
While responding to challenges we are actually crafting a model of new Asian value which features participatory democracy equitable distribution and social justice innovation-based economy and proactive peace diplomacy.
Responding to the challenge to democracy
As noted by some prominent international organizations freedom of speech freedom of press and human rights have been on a steady decline in the last few years. In March last year the undemocratic nature of the ratification process over a cross-strait trade agreement unleashed formidable social forces trying to redirect the path of the government. Now some of the social forces are eager to participate in the political process through public deliberation or even through participation in elections.
The newly found sociopolitical forces may cause the government to slow down if it is not ready to be transparent or open for participation. However if democratically handled with the input of enormous dynamism into the decision making process and constant oversight from the public the government can be much more effective and responsive. This is what I am ready to endeavor that isi.e. to deepen our democracy.
Economic stagnation and social problems
For most Taiwanese the state of our economy is a source of great distress as it has stagnated for some time and has lost momentum for growth. Globalization and China’s rise as the world’s factory have affected Taiwan’s efficiency-driven model of economic growth. This has gradually resulted in a widening income gap outsourcing of job opportunities and stagnating salaries.
The economic slowdown has hit the young generation in particular who now face an economic environment much harsher than their parents’ days. In addition our various public pension funds have incurred huge implicit deficits that endanger their sustainability. Furthermore the family-based traditional social safety network no longer suits the needs of the highly urbanized Taiwan. Under these circumstances one can only imagine the tremendous burdens that are being placed on our younger generation.
Economic Measures
Therefore providing a new economic way forward will be the foremost priority of the coming DPP Administration. I am ready to present the New Model for Economic Development with core elements of innovation employment that is job creation and equitable distribution.
The primary objective of the new model is to reshape Taiwan’s economic competitiveness by shifting from an efficiency-driven model to an innovation-driven one. It is also aimed at striking a balance between economic growth and social need. In addition we hope that the new model can help reduce Taiwan’s dependence on a single market and to ensure Taiwan’s economic autonomy. We were kindly reminded by former Secretary Clinton in June last year that Taiwan would be vulnerable if it loses economic independence.
I also fully intend to build a strategic partnership with the U.S. on economic cooperation. A DPP administration would like to mount intensive exchanges and cooperation on the next generation infrastructure for Internet of Things (IoT) cloud big data and ICT-based new industries which feature the 4th industrial revolution or what many call Industry 4.0. I would like to have Taiwan work closely with American firms to renew Taiwan’s ICT industries as well.
On international trade there is an urgent need for Taiwan to participate in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) at least to be included in the second round of negotiations. For this purpose I have set up a special task force to discuss the important aspects of trade liberalization and the TPP. Our discussions include the need for structural adjustments and reform the extent to which Taiwan should adhere to international standards streamlining legal infrastructure and bureaucratic practices and making the necessary investments in specific sectors. We want to ensure that Taiwan is ready to effectively deal with the challenges of globalization.
I would like to thank the U.S. government for expressing welcome to Taiwan’s interest. Here I would also like to reiterate that I am determined for Taiwan to be ready for the TPP.
Social safety net
When the economy grows the Taiwan government will be equipped with more resources to invest in social infrastructure. The DPP has unveiled a plan to create a new community-based social safety net and has inaugurated the plan in some of the local governments under our administration. I also plan to invest in social housing as well as long-term senior care systems. These are highly demanded in Taiwan as it moves to an aging society.
Here I would like to stress that investment in the social safety net is not just welfare spending; it will make good economic sense by meeting local demand and generating local job opportunities.
For Taiwan’s economy to be more competitive and our democracy stronger we need to build a military capable of safeguarding the country and maintaining peace. We should also help shape a friendly regional environment by making meaningful contributions to international affairs. Needless to say a critical component is a need to maintain a peaceful and stable relationship with China.
On defense to be a reliable partner on regional security it is my firm belief that proper investment in credible deterrence is the key. In light of the increasing military and security threat that Taiwan faces developing asymmetric capabilities that involve enhanced military relations with friendly forces well-trained military personnel in a modern force structure and acquisition of necessary defense equipment are essential components of our deterrent strategy.
The transition to a voluntary military force has its challenges. I am committed to securing the resources necessary to provide adequate training and education for the active and reserve forces so that there is not only a high degree of professionalism among the services but also a quality connection between their military service and job careers.
It is important that mil-to-mil relations with the U.S. continue to intensify in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act and mutual security interests in the region. Taiwan is and will continue to be a reliable partner of the U.S. in ensuring peace and stability in the region. We must work closely with our American friends not only in deterring traditional threats and coercion but also in jointly dealing with other non-traditional security threats such as cyber-security.
In addition to foreign acquisition of defense systems and platforms I am committed to more investments in indigenous defense programs including research and development to meet our long-term defense need. These investments will eventually produce multiplied benefits in Taiwan’s economy. It is investment in defense and economy at the same time for the long haul.
Relations with the U.S. and international participation
Taiwan and its people have a special political security economic and cultural bond with the United States because of our shared values and shared interests. But Taiwan should not take the relationship for granted. I will ensure that Taiwan works together with the U.S. to advance our common interests. Taiwan’s international support can be obtained by making ourselves as a reliable partner and by having a proactive diplomatic agenda for peace.
Under my watch Taiwan will meaningfully participate and contribute provided that it is not discriminated against in international projects such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief medical assistance and joint efforts in economic aide with backup support from our active NGO’s. Taiwan has a modern rescue training center in central Taiwan; I would like to expand its operation so that it becomes an international training center. I will also seek to work closely with the U.S. on counter-terrorism modeling on the Container Security Initiative and Mega Port Initiative and share this experience with any neighboring country.
The former DPP Administration established the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy and the NGO Committee in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is to advance our democratic value and meaningful participation in international affairs. Their work will be rejuvenated if we have a chance to return to office.
Making contributions becoming a reliable partner will be the spirit of the new DPP administration in the pursuit of international participation.
I am also committed to a consistent predictable and sustainable relationship with China.
Cross-strait relations must be considered in a long-term context. Since Taiwan’s democratization we have had three democratically elected presidents and a strong social will forged by numerous democracy movements. Freedom and democracy are values deeply ingrained in the hearts of the Taiwanese people. The president elected by the people of Taiwan represents all the people of Taiwan in conducting external affairs. Therefore the conduct of cross-strait policy must transcend the position of a political party and incorporate different views. A leader must take into account public consensus when making decisions. We do have a broad consensus in Taiwan that is the maintenance of the status quo.
I have articulated and reiterated my position of maintaining the status quo in the previous months as I believe this serves the best interest of all parties concerned.
Therefore if elected President I will push for the peaceful and stable development of cross-strait relations in accordance with the will of the Taiwanese people and the existing ROC constitutional order.
The two sides of the Taiwan Strait should treasure and secure the accumulated outcomes of more than twenty years of negotiations and exchanges. These accumulated outcomes will serve as the firm basis of my efforts to further the peaceful and stable development of cross-strait relations.
I will push for legislation of the Cross-Strait Agreement Oversight Bill to establish a comprehensive set of rules for overseeing the cross-strait exchanges and negotiations. The cross-strait agreements which are currently under negotiation or legislative review will be re-examined and further negotiated according to the new rules.
Last but most importantly I will also strengthen our democratic institutions and uphold the right of the people to decide their future free of coercion. While I advocate for constructive exchanges and dialogues with China I will ensure the process is democratic and transparent and that the economic benefits are equitably shared.
Conclusion—New Asian value is being crafted
In conclusion I would like to say this: Taiwan stands at the juncture of history and culture. When people in many Asian countries are still suffering from authoritarianism we in Taiwan are immensely proud of our democracy and cherish our hard-earned social and political rights and individual freedom together with the rise of civil society and freedom of choice.
As Asia faces rising nationalism irredentism and threat of military conflict we intend to engage in proactive peace diplomacy that fosters peace and stability with the spirit of giving and sharing.
When globalization causes economic turbulence brings unsustainable results in resources and leaves great disparity and injustice particularly to the younger generations we in the DPP are ready to undertake a new model of economic development which aims at building a new economy based on innovation employment and distribution,as well as to implement a community-based social safety net to compliment the traditional family-based care systems. These will serve as an important basis for innovation sustainability distribution and social justice.
In summary we are crafting a model of new Asian value in Taiwan to serve as an example and inspiration to others. With this new Asian value we are ready to light up Taiwan light up Asia.
Thank you very much.
Ø 影音紀錄連結(CSIS youtube頻道6.3.)
蔡英文日前在《華爾街日報》揭櫫的新戰略觀至少是往上述方向修正。亦即,台美關係與台灣對外關係不能僅被框在兩岸問題,而必須是多面向的,不應自我限縮在某個層面或是偏重中國,而是要和各國進行對話。其次是確認台灣對區域與國際能夠貢獻的國際參與計劃,「有意義地」開拓國際空間。再來是貿易多元化以確保台灣經濟自主性。最後是與中國「有原則的交往和對話」(principled engagement and dialogue)。此原則應包涵民主、主權、對等、和平,再加上公開和透明。如果台灣能夠洞悉區域情勢與世局變化,釐清對外政策的優先順序,運用國內「良好治理」(good governance)與對外政策的一致性與持續性,作為凝聚國內共識與爭取國際信任的基石,就無須陷入國、共虛構的「九二共識」或是北京設定的「一中」框架爭辯。(新頭殼6.3.)
中國禁採訪船難 只准用央視、新華社通稿
中國遊輪「東方之星」在長江傾覆引發全球關切,外媒則注意到中國每每有大型災難發生,當局為了「維穩」便緊縮言論與資訊流通,此次要求媒體不要派記者,官媒中央電視台與新華社成為唯一資訊來源;國內媒體也被要求需符合政府「方針」,並突出領導人物。〔港媒:李克強親凖外媒現場報道船難 但本地媒體受限〕(自由時報6.4、BBC中文網6.4.)
六四前 微信禁發89或64金額紅包
海外華文媒體博訊新聞網報導,網友測試發現,包括89.64、64.89、8.9、6.4、0.89等數額紅包都不能發送。推特(Twitter)用戶「@majunspace 」評論說:「騰訊旗下的微信紅包禁止六塊四,六十四,把自己搞得跟國企一樣。不過諸如新浪淘寶這些企業,表面是新興民營科技,實質還是落後體系的一部分。」〔六四26週年天安門廣場管制 公安:你懂、六四前夕中國嚴控網路 社群噤若寒蟬、六四26週年前夕維權異議人士紛遭監控〕(中央社6.4、6.4、rfi華語台6.3、BBC中文網6.3.)
For NGOs in China, a Sense of Party Creep
Last Friday, the Communist Party announced that a Politburo meeting headed by President Xi Jinping had decided that party groups should be set up in social, cultural and economic organizations, thus potentially creating a host of Pongos, or party-organized NGOs. The announcement has stirred unease among some.‘‘Did you see the Politburo order?’’ an editor at a party newspaper asked, sotto voce, at a reception. ‘‘They’re going to set up party groups in all NGOs.’’〔 中国境外NGO法律引“恐外”争议〕(NYT 6.3、RFA普通話台6.2.)
香港六四集會 遍地開花
香港支聯會六四燭光集會一直是港人最大型的悼念六四集會,近年有香港本土派團體同一時間舉辦悼念六四活動,今年更有巴士巡遊、18區街站悼念,將六四集會在香港遍地開花。也有網民繼續發起社區公園悼念,而香港大學學生會,今年首次另起爐灶,在港大校園舉辦六四集會,由港人本位出發,承傳八九民運精神,呼應時局趨勢。〔香港學界今年悼念六四 有別於過往、香港民主陣營分化,將各自舉行六四紀念活動〕(美國之音6.4、6.4、NYT中文網6.4.)
正在日本訪問的菲律賓總統阿基諾三號在日本參議院發表講演,對日本安保法制的完善進行了積極評價。他還表示,中國在南海的行為使他想起當年的納粹德國,由於歐洲大國未能及時阻止納粹德國蠶食周邊鄰國而導致二戰爆發。此言論受到中國外交部發言人的抨擊。〔連說五個“是菲律賓” 華春瑩怒批菲總統言論〕(RFA普通話6.4、京華時報6.4.)
在南海因填海爭端持續紛爭的背景下,俄羅斯國防部副部長安東諾夫(Anatoly Antonov)稱,俄羅斯與中國計劃在2016年南海舉行海軍演習。但除中國之外,演習還將包括俄羅斯在亞太地區的盟友,他並未指明包括哪些國家將參與演習。(明報6.4.)
《衛報》周一刊登歷史學者、專欄作家提姆西·加頓·艾什(Timothy Garton Ash)的文章(全文):「地球上最大的政治試驗」。該文認為,習近平在中國的政治試驗將決定東亞是走向戰爭還是和平。文章開篇寫道:習近平能成嗎?這是當今世界最大的政治問題。美國正在考慮是否應該調整對中國的政策以回應北京在習的治下越來越強勢的立場「。與別的國家相比,中國未來的外交政策和經濟都更加取決於於它的政治制度所作出的政策的好壞。」(BBC中文網6.1、The Guardian 6.1.)
伊斯蘭國勢力進入中亞 美中俄高度警戒
美國與世界各國進行的反恐合作計畫浮現隱憂!美國國務院日前證實,1名曾三度赴美受訓的塔吉克共和國(Tajikistan)資深反恐教官已投奔伊斯蘭國(Islamic State, IS),美國被迫更改反恐相關措施與標準作業程序,生活條件不佳的中亞人民前仆後繼的前往投靠IS,也讓中國與俄國高度戒備。(風傳媒6.2.)
六四事件 馬總統籲大陸正視平反
Taiwan Can't Save the South China Sea
For Taiwan’s image (and self-image), proposals of this nature are positive, and the Ma administration will search for, and highlight, any hint of positivity that may come in regional responses to the initiative. Ultimately, however, what Taiwan proposes carries little weight simply because no one appears to be listening—not least in Taiwan itself where Ma’s proposal has been met with apathy.(The National Interest 6.2.)
張貼留言 (Atom)
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