2012年10月23日 星期二
NYT on the 18th
Main page: Changing of the guard
Many Urge Next Leader of China to Liberalize
As the nation’s critical leadership transition approaches, officials, policy advisers and intellectuals are again pushing for what they broadly call “reform.” October 22, 2012, Monday
As China Weighs Shifting Economic Policy, a Rivalry for Its Stewardship
An experienced vice prime minister and former banker, with a progressive approach to the economy, appears to be losing ground to the probable next prime minister, who has much more traditional views. October 20, 2012, Saturday
With a Transition Near, New Questions in China
With only six weeks to go before the formal unveiling of a new set of leaders, Communist Party elders are still deciding on who will ascend to the top ruling bodies. October 2, 2012, Tuesday
Elite and Deft, Xi Aimed High Early in China
An early move to rural China offers a window on the political savvy of Xi Jinping, who is on the cusp of taking over as China’s supreme leader. September 30, 2012, Sunday
China Tied Up by Transition as Its Economy Loses Force
The Communist Party in China appears too distracted by its leadership turnover to pursue the bold agenda that many economists say is necessary to prevent a serious crisis. September 27, 2012, Thursday
China’s Military Seeks More Sway, Worrying Communist Party
With China’s once-a-decade leadership transition nearing, Communist Party leaders are pushing back against what some see as military officials’ intrusion into policy and politics. August 07, 2012, Tuesday
China’s Communist Elders Take Backroom Intrigue Beachside
Party elites and their families congregate in the resort of Beidaihe to swim and dine and shape the future of the world’s most populous nation. July 21, 2012, Saturday
As China Talks of Change, Fear Rises on Risks
A small but growing group of children of the Chinese elite is calling for reform as a leadership change looms, but the exact meaning of “reform” is being debated. July 18, 2012, Wednesday
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