2011年9月27日 星期二

Bailout lets EU worse-off

FT, A bail-out by Bric nations would leave Europe even worse off (cht)
FT, The single currency’s true fatal flaw (cht)

How would this happen? There are many ways, but the most obvious is that as foreign central banks sell large amounts of dollars to buy euros, the euro strengthens against the dollar. As this happens, European manufacturers would become less competitive globally and their exports would drop.

This would cause a rise in European unemployment. It would also cause total European savings to decline as income drops more quickly than consumption. The only way to prevent a rise in unemployment is if all the new foreign funding was used to fund direct investment – which, given the need for transfer and welfare payments, is very unlikely.

In that case, the increase in foreign investment would simply be matched either by a reduction in domestic savings or an increase in domestic debt to counteract the rise in unemployment. So rather than easing the burden, foreign investment simply replaces domestic savings, undermines manufacturing and raises unemployment or debt.



20200703 中國情勢暨兩岸雙週報:進化中的中國資訊戰與中共統戰制度剖析

中國暨兩岸情勢雙週報 http://x-strait.blogspot.tw 民進黨中國事務部 2020.07.03 編注:本期雙週報是根據上期「進化中的中國資訊戰」 進行剖析並附上參考圖。 進化中的中國資訊戰 林雨蒼、沈伯洋 ...