2011年4月20日 星期三

Wall Street and the crisis

Propublica series: The Wall Street Money Machine
NYT: Naming Culprits in the Financial Crisis | report
WSJ: Senate Report Lays Bare Mortgage Mess (Chinese ver.)
The Senate report alleges that Goldman then undertook a multibillion dollar series of trades to hedge its bullish bets by selling mortgage-related trades to allegedly unsuspecting investors. The head of Goldman's mortgage unit recommended managers of Goldman's sales force issue "ginormous" sales credits to those who could find investors anywhere in the world.
wiki: Magnetar Capital



20200703 中國情勢暨兩岸雙週報:進化中的中國資訊戰與中共統戰制度剖析

中國暨兩岸情勢雙週報 http://x-strait.blogspot.tw 民進黨中國事務部 2020.07.03 編注:本期雙週報是根據上期「進化中的中國資訊戰」 進行剖析並附上參考圖。 進化中的中國資訊戰 林雨蒼、沈伯洋 ...